AO: The Norseman
When: 03/21/2019
QIC: Scar
PAX (5): Ha ha, Callahan, Nacho Libre, Stu
After having the Bolshoi ballet deported due to some ongoing Russian collusion, YHC knew he had to step up his game. So some late night “Exicon” research yielded some great results.
Who knew there were so many ways to do burpees and bear crawls.
Quick disclaimer and a short mosey, SSH, Weed pickers and Mountain climbers.
The Thang:
First up was the Aiken legs, Callahan asked if this exercise was made up in South Carolina, after completion we did not think they could be that mean.
Done in succession with no rest – 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges and 20 split jacks( like a Bonnie Blair but with arms moving too) rinse and repeat and that’s when the mumble chatter started.
Time for spring training – A short mosey to my car where the cinders were snug and warm, everyone got one and we made our way to the infield and home plate.
Spring Training – 20 reps followed by 10 reps with 2 runs and 2 lunge walks between bases.
Home Plate – Curls
1st Base – Shoulder press
2nd Base – Kettle bell swing
3rd Base – Sumo squat
Home plate – Plank position on cinders
It was now time to hit for the cycle –
From home plate, bear crawl to 1st base, 3 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to 2nd base, 6 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to third base, 9 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to home plate. I had hoped to do this on a smaller rubber turf field but with locked gates this was going to be an infield dirt big boy exercise and it did not disappoint.
The mumble chatter and Monty Python movie references came thick and fast. The crawl bear was an exercise in keeping a straight line and realizing it was all arms.
We cut the final crawl bear short and made our way back to drop cinders and mosey to flag for Mary.
Mary –
Flutter kicks, Rosalita, The dolly, dying cockroach, Freddy mercury and mountain climbers, with that the 6:15 recover alarm went off followed by some deep sighs.
Reminder for Atlanta Terminus launch at Grady High School/ Piedmont park on Saturday. Some clown cars will be going down for this.
Always a pleasure to Q at another AO, thanks for having me.