Don’t mess around with a frozen monkey!
AO: Firehouse
When: 03/07/2019
QIC: Reuben
PAX (4): Skynyrd, Picker, Fudd, Reuben
27 degrees was the least of our worries! It was a brand new day and the morning was perfect. It was great to be back in the saddle after missing a few beat downs last week. In the words of the great poet, Van Morrison, we ventured into the mystic, or should I say the mystic gloom. Let’s mosey!
Quick loop around the parking lot loop with a combo run and Bernie Sanders for warm-up:
- Tin Man
- Windmill
The Thang:
Quick Dash to playground for some 11’s:
- Pull-ups
- Ab Roll-out on swings
All 4 PAX realized that doing pull ups on frozen monkey bars ain’t fun…..but all four HIM’s pushed through. Thanks a lot Reuben!!
Mosey over to rock pile for some coupons big enough for our appetites and then hit the pavement and partner up for a little Dora:
P1 run to 4th parking sign and back(rotate w/ P2).
P2- 50 squat thrusts/100 merkins/300 curls-(rotate with P1). 450 reps both partners.
Somehow we managed to lose Picker somewhere in between the squat thrusts and merkins for a morning Elvis, but he returned quickly and with a little more spring in his step.
We redeposited our coupons and moseyed back to the pavilionoseum for a little Captain Thor to finish off this beast of a beat down- 1:4 ratio with crunchy frogs and hammers-ending with 10:40 ratio. Ouch!!
Mary consisted of a round robin:
- Swimmers- (Fudd)
- LBC’s-(Picker)
- Gas pumpers-(Skynyrd)
- Dying Cockroach’s- (Reuben)
6:15 on the dot!!!
Prayers for Skynyrd’s M and other PAX who are MIA.
We continue to brainstorm on how to Eh more sad clowns to our community.