A Cold Murph
AO: The Wreck
When: 03/06/2019
PAX (22): Bieber, Zima, Sprocket, Jackalope, Raider, Virginia Slim, Foley, Squeegee, Deadbeat, Grease Monkey, Rusty, Tubbs, Swamp Donkey, Bear, Divot, Squeak, Doogie, Manchester, Smackdown, Hattrick, Goat, AFLAC
With a cold Q on the calendar and no sight of Virginia Slim for over a week, YHC decided to HC on a low-mosey option coupled with a sheltered beat down to entice the elder statesman out of hibernation and provide PAX with some protection from the brutally cold wind. Those plans almost changed as Grease Monkey planted a seed at T-minus 5, but alas promises were made and GM was a HC to run straight home if Q decided otherwise.
Brisk run up the main road toward the football field for a brief warm-up at the large intersection, consisting of:
- SSHs
- Mountain Climbers
- Weed Pickers
Once completed, Q directed all low-mosey PAX to lunge-walk while the parking lot while he led remaining PAX into the teeth of the wind for a circuitous route toward the main event.
The Thang:
Gather low-mosey’ers and head toward the playground to get out of the wind, directing all PAX to fetch a lifting coupon before circling up. Once the six was in, YHC provided instructions as follows: a modified Murph consisting of 10 rounds of the following:
- 5 Man-Makers (with coupon, of course)
- 10 Pull-Ups
- 20 Derkins
- 30 Squats (with coupon – goblet or sumo-style)
When YHC originally introduced the Murph to the PAX, it presented quite the challenge. However, these boys have clearly upped their game, which means that Q is more than happy to amp things up to bring out the mumble-chatter. Today’s version was a good challenge, with only a few PAX finishing and performing some rounds of Step-Ups, Derkins, and Incline Merkins before Q called time.
With 10 minutes to go, return to the flag for some active stretching consisting of the following:
- Warrior Pose I (both sides)
- Warrior Pose II (both sides)
- Downward Dog (shout out to Double-D)
- Upward-Facing Dog
- Last day (or so) to purchase a Hogwallow F3 shirt from Mudgear.
- Swamp Donkey leading Hogwallow on Thursday.
- Some unspoken Prayers
Naked-Man Moleskin:
As always, it was a pleasure to lead these men as we all strive to be something greater than our individual selves.
AFLAC out.