Rock You Like a Hurricane (Playlist Included)
AO: The Rubicon
When: 02/21/2019
QIC: Pitstop
PAX (9): MillerTime, Jackalope, Bayside, Zima, Pinkey, Pellets, Cookie, Bo Knows
The overnight thunderstorms were epic and the mettle of the F3Alpha pax was tested. YHC committed to coming rain, shine or lightning – which was the main reason I showed up.
Pellets, Jackalope and Bayside – true diehards – showed up for the pre-BD run. I was waiting for them with a bright warm pavilion and “Riders on the Storm” rocking on the ghetto blaster. 5 more brave souls arrived. The party began. The playlist is attached.
“American Storm” by Bob Seger
We loosened up the whole body, from the top down. Neck rolls, arm circles, merkins, trunk twists, LBCs, SSH, and hillbillys.
The Thang:
- Burpee EMOM – “Thunderstruck” AC/DC, “Blowin’ in the Wind” Me First & the Gimme Gimmes, “Rock You like a Hurricane”, etc
- Every Minute on the Minute – do burpees until you can’t complete the entire set within the minute. Started at 3, add 1 burpee each minute – which left a lot of rest time at the start. Certain pax didn’t trust the Q and filled the rest time with extra burpees and SSHs. They regretted it.
- All pax wiped out by the round of 15, with only MillerTime valiantly attempting 16. YHC believes he could have made it but made a poorly timed glove mistake.
- Wallball Over-Unders
- Single file line, pass the 18lb medicine ball overhead, then through the legs, to the back of the line. Last person in line runs the ball to the front of the line and starts again. It was a little too easy, so we added burpees and merkins. We continued until we ran out of pavilion.
- Wallball Catch with squats and burpees
- Make a circle and hurl the wallball at another pax. Catch, squat, and pass. Try not to hit anyone in the face. Burpees if you drop it.
- Wallball Hot Potato
- Classic hot potato game if you are left holding the potato at the wrong time you do burpees. May or may not have been rigged to screw Jackalope.
- 4 person Team Pushups
- Better explained with a video – we did this and it was very cool.
- Giant team pushups – like this with 9 people
- Elimination Wallball Catch – same as above but you are out if you drop or miss. Became surprisingly competitive and injuries were narrowly avoided. Won by Pinkey.
- Step-Ups and Dips – with the wallball of course.
- American Hammers – with the wallball of course.
- Time was finally called – to the relief of the pax and the Q.
- Pitstop has his (my) continuing challenges, with a new one: everything on my truck is breaking (seriously – leaving the parking lot today my window quit working). So much so that it has become funny more than frustrating. But God has given me an out-of-work car expert friend who is guiding me through each repair.
- Zima gave a great TNT about the importance of F3 in relationship building for modern men. Seconded by many pax (seriously, who shows up to workout in conditions like today??)
- Cookie provided coffee, and therefore earns MVP status for today.