Same old, same old
AO: The Galaxy
When: 02/07/2019
QIC: Turbine
PAX (10): Tweaker, Baby Face, Blue, Venus, So So Def, Cha-Ching, Wide Right, Sparky, Yahtzee, Turbine
All the fair weather fans were out for an almost muggy February day.
As YHC scrabbled to get organized for the beatdown, the PAX assembled for obligatory mubblechatter. At the strike of 5:30 we mozy’d three-quarters of a lap around the track and assembled in the field for some warm up (in cadence):
– Side straddle hop
– Weed picker
– Hillybilly (not so much in cadence because YHC can’t keep a beat)
The Thang:
We brought out an old but a goody – ALARMs. Each set consisted of 35 reps of the exercise. After each superset the PAX completed a lap around the track.
Alarm 1
– Shoulder Press
– Bonnie Blairs (single count)
– American Hammers (double count)
– Rocket Dips (single count)
– Merkin
Alarm 2
– Shoulder Taps (double count)
– Squat Jumps
– Peter Parkers (double count)
– Ranger Merkins
– Makhtar N’Diayes
Alarm 3
– Burpees
– Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift (single count)
– Mountain Climbers (double count)
– Rockette Hillbillies (double count)
– Pattycake Merkins
There were a few minutes left on the clock after ALARMs and so the PAX rep’d out a few pull-ups to failure (and then a few more) on the playground.
Prayers for those that are banged up – Chelsey and Sparky
TAPs for Tweakers wife’s family
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always fun with this group. Excited about what we can continue to do in East Cobb and beyond for all those sad clowns of Cobb Co.