Return of the Block Party
AO: Firehouse
When: 02/05/2019
QIC: Fudd
PAX (3): Baker, Picker, Fudd
YHC sent out the bulletin last night to try and round up the troops for a good showing this morning. I had hidden motives as I knew the girlfriends would be coming with me and selfishly didn’t want to carry any more cinder blocks up from my backyard than I needed. With the truck bed full I headed off into the gloom and left our lovely friends near the entrance to the AO. Pulling in it was a nice sight to see Baker and we were shortly joined by another Kotter in Picker. As 5:30 rolled around Picker let it be known that he thought he saw cinder blocks near the entrance…Yes Picker, yes you did. Time to Mosey!
Mosey up to Stonehedge for:
Weed Picker
Sungods (both directions)
The Thang:
Headed North out of Stonehedge for the entrance to meet up with the girlfriends.
Route 66 with the cinder blocks…every lightpost was a pain station…for anyone who has visited the Firehouse there are A LOT of lightposts.
Exercises were done on repeat….
10-Squat w/ Overhead Block Press
5 – Man Makers with Block
10-Ketllebell Swings
We worked our way all the way back to the flag where we held on to our girlfriends and moseyed to the football field for some DORA.
We only made through the curls before it was time to go back to the flag…at this point of the workout Picker was feeling the effects of his first day back and left the field to keep it clean from what was about to come up, but after some water and deep breaths he held strong and no merlot was spilled. He jumped back into the fold for Mary and finished strong.
Box Cutters
Ankle Reaches
Prayers for health for our fellow PAX
Thanks for the return of some old faces, hope to see them more often.