Average Joe’s

AO: Norseman

When: 2024-10-24

QIC: Tumbleweed

PAX (15): Callahan, Cam's, Credit Check, Crikey, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Huffy, Knight Rider, Matlock, muTTon, Slick, Stu


Standard preamble with a very brief repeat for a couple stragglers


Mosey over to and around the parking lot.  Asked the guys to circle up at which point they promptly formed a "C", hence the average grade today.  But they recovered their higher grade by end of beatdown.  I also give myself a "C" for screwing up the cadence. SSH WeedPickers Imperial Walkers Arm Circles Covids/Michael Phelps

The Thang:

Pax moseyed over to the bottom of the St. Francis hill where a bridge troll had left white board with 10 exercises.  Nine were named with an upper, lower, and core in each set of 3.  Number 10 was a surprise. We did Hill Repeats with stuff at the bottom: 25 Merkins/Hill 25 Squats/Hill 25 Freddy Mercuries (A)/Hill 25 Carolina Dry Docks/Hill 25 Lunges (A)/Hill 25 Flutter Kicks (A)/Hill 25 Derkins/Hill 25 Appolo Ohnos/Hill 25 American Hammers/Hills 15 Burpees Was not sure we would make it through the list but the guys went from a C to a B by finishing in the alloted time.  Leaving enough time to mosey to the Peace Pole for a brief TNT.  Then moseyed back to the flag with just enough time for a little Mary.    


NLB this Saturday for those interested.  Details in Slack Prayers for Huffy, his mom, and family as they deal with the passing of Huffy's father. Prayers for MuTTons Mom and family as she gets test results today.  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for listening to my TNT at the Peace Pole.  Just on my heart. Always an honor to lead you all and you all are way above average!

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