Hold My Cinder – Watch This..

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-10-22

QIC: Porkchop (Ryan Stackable)

PAX (24): Bo Knows, Butterknife, Chanel, Cheneral, Costanza (Nathan Baker), Darkside, defcon2, Dutch Oven, Floater, Florida Man (Dylan Anderson), Laces, Mater, Postal (Jeff McMichael), Scratch-Off, Spandex, Speedo, The_OG Zima, The_Real Chubbs, Venus (Colin Steuterman), FNG_Siegfried, The Big Short, Brownie,


Mosey around the parking lot then headed down to the soccer field center circle  


-Side Struttle Hop -Windmill -Worlds Greatest Stretch -Arm Circles/Covids

The Thang:

-Indian Run x2 Around Soccer Field -20 Burpies Head back to parking lot to pick up cinders, groups of 3, 1 cinder per group. DON'T LET THE CINDER TOUCH THE GROUND (between your group) -Toe Touches x25 -Lunges x20 -Squats x15 -Curls x10 -Arm Raises x5 End the circuit w/ Indian Run with group with the cinder. Repeat Circuit.


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