I know I look good, now shut up

AO: Rubicon

When: 10/22/2024

QIC: Zohan

PAX (10): Cox, False Start, FannyPack, Lil Hurt, Pinkey, Shrimp, Special K, Trebek, Zohan, Grady (Downrange)


Took the Q yesterday. Zero mumble chatter on Slack. Tried to encourage the PAX to comment but nada. Lil Hurt, the Site Q, tried. nothing. I wasn’t sure how many will post.

Woke up on time (should be obvious but I recently missed a Q at Windjammer so not that obvious) and got there. Several PAX were already there and a few came last minute. Ended up being a good sized group. Excellent!


Mosey to the big parking lot. Mix in some Bernie and Side Shuffles. Circle up for Copper Head Squats, Weed Pickers, Imperial Walkers and OYO Arm Circles.

The Thang:

Main Thang: PAX were asked to partner up, with someone on the same fitness level. This is not a Dora.

  • Pax #1 needs to complete 6 exercises, 10 reps each – Merkins, Big Boys, Squats, Plank Jacks, American Hammers (alpha), Bonnie Blairs (Singles).
  • PAX #2 runs a short distance, does 1 Burpee and come back.
  • If PAX #2 came back before PAX #1 finished, PAX #1 starts over (not continuing from where he stopped) while PAX #2 runs same distance but does 2 Burpees.
  • Rinse and Repeat, increasing number of Burpees, till PAX #1 finishes first.
  • Then run a lap together around the parking lot and switch.

Several PAX were too busy talking to hear the instructions (which were given twice), but they all learned. All groups finishes at 7 or 8 Burpees.


More stuff

  • Same partners. From one circle to the other (across the parking lot) – one PAX bear crawls while the other lunge walks. Switch as needed.
  • 7s on the hill above field of dreams. No Surrenders and Makhtars, both single counts.
  • In the field of dreams – BOMBS. Start with 10 Burpees at the plate. 20 Overhead presses at next base, then 30 Merkins, etc. Move of transportation – your choice, but keep it low – bear crawls, crab walks, duck walks. PAX were not listening to instructions again. Tried to stall time by commenting on my looks and apply to my vanity. It worked.

We had to cut the 50 Squats short and run back to the flag.


COX was our 6. This Saturday: CSAUP at Nirvana or monthly breakfast at the Bound, hosted by Norseman.

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