Choose Your Own Adventure

AO: The Bridge

When: 2024-10-11

QIC: Boomer

PAX (13): Boardwalk, Boomer, Dinghy, Feathers, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, HIPAA - EPIC Story, Humperdinck, Popper (Dan Richard), Scrooge, Sneakers, Spackle, Bobbitt


Beautiful morning for a beatdown.


We warmed up.

The Thang:

Choose your own adventure. 25 reps of each exercise. Point totals earned for completing reps. Highest points wins.
  1. Veteran’s Memorial
Burpees (10) Step-Ups (1) Dips (1) Derkins (2) Monkey Humpers (1)
  1. Pull-Up Bar Station
Pull-ups (11) Squats (1) Alternating Shoulder Taps-alpha (1) Dying Cockroaches (1) SSH (1)
  1. Top of the Parking Deck
Run up and down stairs 4 times (8) 50 Calf Raises on stairs (1) Diamond Merkins (2) V-Ups (3) Bobby Hurleys (1)
  1. Path to Nowhere Bridge
Run to end of Path and back (8) HR Merkins (3) Jump Squats (1) Boxcutters (1) Mountain Climbers-alpha (2)
  1. Bridge to Forum
Bear crawl across bridge and back (7) Bonnie Blairs (3) LBCs (1) Peter Parkers-alpha (1) Annies (3)
  1. Flag (Cinder)
Manmakers (11) Rows (1) Curl Press (1) Skullcrushers (1) BB Situp w coupon (1) All rep counts at 25 reps unless noted. Single count unless alpha noted.  


Everyone was a winner!

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