Dancing with myself

AO: The Last Stand

When: 2024-05-13

QIC: Ballerina

PAX (1): Ballerina


Just because you’re alone doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time


Toy soldiers, hill billies, imperial walkers, ssh, weed pickers, Abe Bagoda, .5 mile mosey

The Thang:

4 rounds 5 exercises/ complexes KB gorilla row X 20(alpha count) followed with 10 KB lunges Sand bag curl/overhead press/ tricep extensions X 15 Sandbag squats X 15 Sandbag deadlift X 15 Merkin with shoulder tap X 15 Finished with 25 KB swings and stretch


Prayers for those suffering through pain and loss, gratitude for the opportunity to overcome the call of the fartsack and workout even if i was alone

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