H-Alpha 3 BD Reprise

AO: The Bridge

When: 2024-05-03

QIC: Potter (Matt Rowand)

PAX (11): BallBoy, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Maguire, Meatball, Spackle, Zima


YHC had to break this BD out of the recent vault.  With only 4 PAX in attendance at the 3:00 AM HAlpha Day beat down, I felt this one needed another go to give it it's full appreciation, with some minor modifications.  Let's get May started off right F3!  I bring you HAlpha 3 BD (= 1.5 BD).


SSH, Imperial Walker, Windmill, Weed Picker, Willie Mays Hays, Moroccan Night Club, Air Presses

The Thang:

4 Corners.  3 Rounds. 8 min AMRAP per round.  MOT 1 for the long stretch, MOT 2 for the short stretch.  Slow mosey lap for recovery between rounds. 4 Corners:  Reps 10, 20, 30, 40, ….
Round Exercise by Corner MOT Long MOT Short
1.1 HR Merkin Karaoke Bear Crawl
1.2 Jump Squat    
1.3 Carolina Drydock    
1.4 Gas Pumper    
2.1 Diamond Merkin High Knee/Skip Inch Worm
2.2 Smurf Jacks    
2.3 Crab Cakes    
2.4 Big Boy SU    
3.1 Wide Merkin Bernie Sanders Broad Jump
3.2 Monkey Humpers    
3.3 AST    
3.4 Am. Hammer    


Prayers: HIPAA's family traveling for 2 months, Zima's brother healing from accident, Animal's family healing, Meatball's M, marriages in general. Feels like a lot of burden on PAX right now.  General prayers for relief and thanks for F3 being the release valve of stress that helps keep it from spilling over.  Thanks for Humperdinck sharing Exodus 16...He is always able to meet our daily needs.  Lord, help us have a grateful heart and attitude that reflects that He is in control.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Tunes brought to you by grunge and straight hard rock spanning the 90's.

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