4 years and 10,000 burpees later

AO: Boneyard

When: 08/28/2023

QIC: Speedo

PAX (11): Animal, Chanel, Darkside, FannyPack, Mater, Mounty, Speedo, Stroller, Zohan, Einstein, Splits


Huge storms 1/2 hour before the beat down didn’t keep these men away for Speedo’s 4-year F3 anniversary beat down.  It was great to see the parking lot filling up as 5:30 approached. Headlamps had been suggested due to the dark corners of the park we would be using today.


Disclaimer then mosey a bit down to the pickle ball parking lot for some variety of:

  • Weed pickers
  • Hillbillies
  • SSH
  • WGS
  • Hangovers
  • Copperhead squats

The Thang:

Mosey down the path then under the bridge and around the pond to the usually-lit but dark pavilion by the pond.  A board of pain was waiting.  PAX were instructed to do exercises 1 and 5 then run the same loop we just covered with an exercise under the tunnel and another at the bottom of the stairs.  Rinse and repeat doing exercises 1/2, then 2/3, then 3/4 and finally 4/5.  Exercises were:

  1. Burpees x5
  2. Mahktars x10
  3. Diamonds x15
  4. Dips x20
  5. Monkey humpers x25

Under the bridge we performed 5 peeping lipsticks which is a Turkish get-up straight to a star jump.  The guys were really oohing and aahing over this one.  At the bottom of the stairs we performed 10 merkins.  After round 3 we modified by eliminating the longer path run and just ran from the bridge back to the bottom of the stairs.  We picked up the six and, after a ill-formed 10-count we were off again.

Mosey on the main path toward the back of the park where we stopped at the new path up to the playground.  Pax were instructed to bear crawl up the path to the pavilion where they were to then partner up.  P1 does swerkins while P2 does 10 single-count step-ups then flap jack.  We did this until every group had gotten to 50 swerkins.

Back to the flag for a few rounds of mary, two of them being led by the youngest pax in attendance, Einstein (12) and Splits (14).


Prayers for Fannypack in his job search.  Prayers for all the guys who need F3 and just don’t know it.  Praises for strong bodies, the fellowship of F3 and for another day on God’s green earth.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Little did I know the journey I would go on when I started F3 on Labor Day 2019.  I was actually named while in Newtown Park that day while we were on a Labor Day ruck.  F3 has been a game-changer for me in more ways than I can share.  If I had to pick one to call out here, it would be the friendships.  I had friends before F3 but they were mostly around my age/stage in life.  I now have friends who are newlyweds and friends who are grandfathers and everywhere in between.  I count it a huge blessing to call you guys my friends and brothers.

–Speedo out

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