Just Say No to Bot Bullying

AO: Grindstone

When: 08/25/2023

QIC: Swiper

PAX (12): Corn Dog, DirtyMO, Hail Mary, HAL, Omaha, Snake, Snowman, Spit Valve, Swiper, Tsunami, Vanna, Safety Net


Kicking off a big weekend for F3 Cumming so let’s get to it.


Mosey to the Top of the Parking deck for warm up’s – all IC:

  • Willie Mays Hayes
  • Windmill
  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers

The Thang:

In honor of the Darth Visor Memorial this weekend, we’re going to bring out a classic, The Death Star:

Sides and corners represent the points of the star – head to a corner, perform the exercise and then return to the middle to pay the Emperial Tax of 5 burpees.

Round 1 –  25 reps each


Shoulder Taps – Alpha

Curls with coupon

OHP with coupon


Heels to Heaven

Round 2 – 20 reps each

Hand release Mercans

Peter Parkers

Skull Crushers with coupon

Bent over Rows with coupon


Big Boys

Close with a mercan doomsday clock – Dirty Mo and Snake made it to the final and Snake etched out the victory!  Well done!



  • Prayers for a successful DVMC
  • Praise for Snowman getting Abigail off to Wofford and settled in

Naked-Man Moleskin:

The DVMC is our event to host the entire Alpha Region.  Looking forward to challenge, fun, and fellowship in honor of our fallen brother, Darth Visor.  Darth, we lost you too soon but you will never be forgotten!

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