Wills HIll Dora (Will is up hill still!)

AO: Rubicon

When: 08/15/2023

QIC: Irene

PAX (13): Avis, Deep dish, False Start, FannyPack, Groundhog, Red Ryder, Special K, Speedo, Trebek, Wilson, Zohan, Topsail


Rubicon needed some more Qs and I’ve had ideas lately. I grabbed the Q. I turned to ChatGPT for help with one of my ideas, but it didn’t feel ready yet, so I just went with a normal beatdown.

Zohan announced on slack that he had an FNG coming and Rubicon showed out for him. There was some concern at 5:29 that he wouldn’t show, but he made it right on time for the start.

Full introduction, disclaimer, and apology for how we’d start.


ChatGPT had one recurring suggestion in all of the stories it wrote me: Burpees! (We need to stop Avis from programming it)

10 Burpees OYO

Now that those are out of the way, YHC promised no more for the rest of the BD… others had ideas…

Mosey down Old Milton Parkway past the tennis courts, left back into the park, right across the bridge, and circle up in the rec center parking lot.

Wreck Convergence Style Warm-up
Down into high-plank and don’t get out until we finish Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Mountain Climbers, and Plank Jacks

Stand-up shake it out with some Arm Circles and COVIDs. Now we’re warm, on to the real work.

The Thang:

Mosey over to the basketball courts. Line up on the baseline for a “Wilt Chamberlain.”
5 Bobby Hurleys, suicide to the foul line,
5 Bobby Hurleys, suicide to the center line,
5 Bobby Hurleys, suicide to the far foul line,
5 Bobby Hurleys, suicide to the other baseline,
Wall-sit for the 6

We did a second round with 5 Alpha Bonnie Blairs per suicide.

With our legs worked out, it was time for a mosey and then a Dora on the Wills Road Hill. We partnered up in the large equestrian parking lot for a Dora 3-2-1:
300 Alpha American Hammers
200 Merkins
100 Reverse LBCs
Partners ran Wills Hill to the top parking lot entrance and back down.
Avis led everyone in Flutterkicks at the end, and Red Ryder called out Supermans while we waited for the 6.

Slow mosey back through the equestrian center, across the disc golf bridge, and back on the inner path to the shovel flag.

There were 7 minutes left, so we did a quick 7s: Mike Tysons – run – Squats.

The last 120 seconds included Hello Dollys, Gas Pumpers, and – because no one took the call before Avis – 5 Burpees to close out.


Prayers for Special K’s wrist surgery, Zohan’s realtive who may need a new pacemaker, and others who may need help but didn’t say something.

Darth Visor Memorial CSAUP is coming up, check Slack for details.

IPC starts in September, check Slack for details.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you all for coming out. Welcome to FNG – Topsail who works with Zohan and put up with a tough BD to start. Hopefully we see him out sooner rather than later.

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