Men vs. Fartsack
AO: Caney Creek
When: 01/27/2021
QIC: Zohan
PAX (4): Ha-Ha, Pothole, Nacho Libre, Zohan
Last night Ha-Ha threw a well deserved jab at YHC, asking on the Slack channel if Zohan will get up on time. Though he referred to last week, in which I woke up too late for Caney but posted elsewhere, it did it home since I fartsacked yesterday and overall had a hard time waking up early since I quarantined at end of Dec’.
So, alarms were set and YHC got there in time to take a quick mosey around. Between the ongoing renovations at Caney and the rain, the top track was not much more than a mud pool, forcing me to make some quick adaptations to today’s beatdown.
Mosey in the parking lot and circle up for (all in IC) 20 Mountain Climbers, 20 SSH, 10 Weed Pickers, 15 Hill Billies, 10 Merkins and 20 Baby Arm Circles (10 FW, 10 BW).
The Thang:
We each grabbed a coupon. Might be the gloom, but Nacho’s coupon seemed like the other 3 combined.
Our Thang was a Dora. One PAX runs almost to the entrance of the park while his partner stays relatively (and very temporarily) dry under the pavilion, keeping the coupon company.
150 of each: Skull Crushers, Thrusters, Wood Choppers (alpha count), Curls and American Hammers (single count).
Wood Choppers – bring coupon up to shoulder high and swing down diagonally to opposite hip.
The Thang took longer than YHC thought it would, but we still had time for some more fun.
Burpee Variations
Since we had the coupons we started with 10 OYO Men Makers. Then 10 OYO Body Builders (burpee with plank jack) and 10 OYO Hand Release Burpees.
We returned the coupons to the pile and moseyed to the restroom building, where YHC was eager to try a burpee variation he saw on twitter and therefore knew it must be good. Or must be bad. Either way it was worth a try. Similar to the Body Builders, but instead of adding a plank jack you add a Donkey Kick. 10 OYO.
Judgement – it had a nice amount of suck. Worth a repeat. Should be named.
We had less than a couple of minutes which we used for Flatter Kicks and Box Cutters
Praises to the participants of the Shrinkage race, the organizers and the NLB men who participated.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The other PAX all shared that the pull of the fartsack is stronger when it’s raining.
Though we each deal it it our own way, a common theme seems to be a mix of our love to our brothers whom we don’t want to disappoint by not showing up, our desire to accelerate by taking the #DRP and a healthy fear of shame when we think about explaining later on why we weren’t there.
F3 is teaching us to be prepared for unknown bad days that will come. We don’t know when they will come and we don’t know how they’ll look like, but we know they’ll come. It’s ok to hope for smooth lives, but irresponsible to not be prepared. And when they do come, I don’t want to fartsack. I was to wake up early, ready to deal to with them.