Cherokee Run for the Ages
AO: The Shadow
When: 09/21/2019
QIC: Seles
PAX (6): Suds, Scout, Hatchet, Radar, Green Bean, Seles
On the first cool morning of (almost) Fall, YHC decided to see if the PAX could handle almost an entire hour of Cherokee running.
10 Mary Katherines, 10 Baryshnikovs (ea. leg), 10 Floyd Mayweathers, Plank for 30 secs., 10 LBCs, 10 Side Straddle Hops i.c.
The Thang:
Cherokee Run to Coronation cul-de-sac
21 Heels-to-Heaven, i.c. 3X
Cherokee Run to Weldstone cul-de-sac
Grateful Dead
Cherokee Run to North Atlanta Church of Christ parking lot
21 Dying Cockroaches, i.c. 3X
Cherokee Run to Apostolic Church parking lot
Grateful Dead II
Cherokee Run to Scouts cul-de-sac
21 Boxcutters, i.c. 3X
Cherokee Run back to Start
Wall Sit and Plank, 60 count each, 2X
Suds took us out