60min Cinders
AO: The Gladiator
When: 06/01/2019
QIC: @IBeamF3
PAX (8): Thumper, 7-up, Happy Feet, Hobo, Aflac, Shrinkage, Kegger
YHC arrived at 0645 and it was already full daylight. Guess it has been since the time change that YHC has attended a Saturday BD.
Well, it seemed the Gladiator was not going to happen so YHC stepped up to lead the pax through what turned out to be a brutal BD.
Men of the Wreck answered the call and showed up in force. Guess Kegger wasn’t expecting many pax, so he thought he would be 1 cinder short as the last pax pulled in the lot. No worried, YHC always has extras.
There wasn’t going to be much running today, so we started with a hot lap around the parking lot before retrieving the cinders from Kegger’s truck.
The following exercises happened in no particular order or quantity
- SSH 20 IC
- Cindy Swings 10 IC
- Imperial Walkers 20 IC
- Cindy Press 10 IC
- Toy Soldier 20 IC
- Skull Crushers 10 IC
- Weed Pickers 15 IC
- Curls for the Girls 15 IC
Cusack and follow
The Thang:
First Stop.
Thors Hammer Alternate? (YHC is getting bad with names now)
1 Cinder Chest Press to 4 American Hammers – this blew…
Cusack and follow
Second Stop..
With the cinder
20 step-ups on tables then 20 derkins on the cinders
15 step-ups on tables then 15 derkins on the cinders
10 step-ups on tables then 10 derkins on the cinders
5 step-ups on tables then 5 derkins on the cinders
Cusack and follow
Third Stop…
Leaving cinders at the stop sign, we moseyed to the pull-up bars for Morning Call.
Plank position – first pax performs 5 pull-ups while remaining pax perform 5 merkins.
Continue until all pax have completed 5 pull-ups.
Rinse and repeat – because we have time and plenty of it still.
Mosey around the upper parking lot and back to the cinders.
Cusack and follow.
Fourth Stop….
Back to the another parking lot for…
Holding the cinders with arms at 90 degrees, first pax performs 10 curls.
Continue around the circle until all pax have performed 10 curls.
Holding the cinders cusack style, first pax performed 10 skull crushers.
Continue around the circle until all pax have performed 10 skull crushers.
Check the time – 20 minutes remain….
Cusack and follow.
Fifth Stop…..
Needed more time to kill.
On the soccer field it was going to be…
1 lunge with cinder to 1 merkin
2 lunge with cinder to 2 merkins
Continuing completely across the field.
Most pax made it across, some pax decided it was too much and walked it out. YHC was a little disappointed everyone didn’t enjoy the pain as much as I did.
Cusack and follow back to the truck.
Sixth Stop……
Dropping the cinders, we needed a little refresher, so another hot lap around the parking lot. YHC made the lap a little bigger than the parking lot and some decided to cut it short. What’s going on here?! What kind of place yall got going on over here at the Gladiator Spandex/Scar?…
Finished with a little Mary and things happened.
Wreck’s 2 year anniversary on Wednesday June 5th. Yea, c’mon!
I hear Spandex is bringing coffeeteria.
I also think I-Beam may give a little Truth Nugget as well.
Will be a sight to see. #50paxstrong