Two PAX headed out of downtown Alpharetta into the gloom this morning at 5:30 sharp. Taking the “quickly becoming the ol standard” west loop route, the PAX set a brisk but talking pace for the journey. This route has it all; missing sidewalks for Ninja Warrior like action, sprinklers to refresh and a lack of cars. At 3.5 miles, there was a massive break down in someone’s energy level, but after a minute of recovery the PAX turned the corner toward home with the goal of not stopping. That was a noble goal, yet there was a slight walk to give tribute to Veterans and Rubicon (and allow another brief respite). All in all was a great morning where the pain endured equals building the body. Results: 5.85 miles in just under an hour. Take out the rests and you have a nice morning run.
Pain is good for the Friday – Mugs Run
When: 07/01/2016
PAX (): Foghorn, DefConII