Tebow Tuesday is back!

AO: The Gladiator

When: 02/02/2021

QIC: Tebow

PAX (10): Scratch Off, Dreamer, Bunyan, Brownie, Delicious, Raspberry Pi, Laces, Shiner, Cheneral


YHC showed up praying for an empty parking lot so he could turnaround and get back in the fartsack.  No such luck… checked for FNGs and then delivered the worst disclaimer in history and we were off, time to get moving!


to the pitch and circled around the middle for SSH, Hillbillies, and Weedpickers

The Thang:

split into two groups for spacing and did some 4 corners.

Round 1 – 25x lunges (alpha), squats, monkey humpers, side lunges (alpha)

Round 2 – 25X merkins, drydocks, diamonds, wide

Round 3 – 25X BBSU, LBCs, Dying Cockroach (alpha), American Hammer (alpha)

In between each round we ran a suicide to the 18yrd line, midfield, other 18, full field.  Stopping at each markers for burpees. 1, 2, 3, 4 then 2, 4, 6, 8 then 3, 6, 9, 12 for a total of 60 burpees… all without Stroller!

With a little time left on the clock, circled up for a jack webb and bounced around the counts for the air presses. Brownie counted up to 20 and down from 20 for the last round and for some reason it made it seem a lot easier… I’m on board.

Mosey back to the flag where some folks called some stuff.


Climb kili men make sure you log your miles.  No dilly dallying today, everyone pretty much scattered with the wind and lack of Spandex coffeeteria.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor to lead.  I appreciate your support and secretly I guess I’m glad some guys showed up and gave me a reason to get better.

Tebow Out.

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