6 More Weeks of Winter!

AO: Nirvana

When: 2025-02-01

QIC: Groundhog

PAX (9): Buckshot, Chalupa, Groundhog, No-See-Um, PushBack, Sweep3r, Tank, The Real Woody, turkey


Groundhog Day is upon us so it is time for the F3 Groundhog to make to make the only prediction that matters…


Whatever popped into my head, I believe it was side straddle hops, weed pickers, willy mays Hayes, imperial walkers, and arm circles over by the top of the bus circle steps.

The Thang:

Mosey to the hill behind the school for 11s.  Lots of vitriol from Woody directed at Buckshot along the way.  I believe it was about not showing up for Woody, but I mean can you really blame Buckshot for that?  Mike Tyson’s at bottom of hill and No Surrenders at the top. Divide into two teams for 3 rounds of Groundhog Day trivia.  Team 1 represents early spring and Team 2 represents more winter.  Best of 3 question series.  First Question is what year did the GHD tradition start in the US.  Team 2 with a respectable guess of 1904 and Team 1 thinks it was started in 1960, apparently by hippies.  1887 is the correct answer, Team 1 pays the Burpee penalty, and we are one step closer to extended cold. Mosey to the stadium for suicides on the football field.  But first, at 7:30am when the  groundhog will emerge from its burrow we do a new exercise called the Groundhog to commemorate the moment.  The exercise is a full Big Boy (emerging from underground), then stand up in one motion and do a star jump (rise and shine for an early spring). Suicides were to every 10 yards and back.  First 50 were Merkins at the goal line (yardage marker divided by 2 for the rep count each time) and then plank jacks at the goal line for the next 50 yards (yardage marker for the rep count). Time for the next round of GHD trivia.  How many times has the most famous groundhog, my buddy Punxsutawney Phil, predicted winter?  Team 2 guesses 65 and Team 1 guesses 29, wtf?  We just established that this thing started in 1887 right?  Correct answer is 107.  Team 1, y’all gotta stop listening to Woody. No drama this year, with that Team 2 is victorious and we all shed a tear.  For the prognosticator of all prognosticator deems it to be true, 6 more weeks of winter is coming for you!!! Mosey to the front parking lot to finish with lunge walk to the first light post and back followed by run to the second light post to 50 sumo squats and back to the starting line for 50 more sumo squats. Last round of trivia for pride only.  Phil is only 39% accurate but how accurate is the Georgia groundhog, my BFF, General Beauregard Lee?  Team 2 answers 30% and Team 1 goes with 75%.  Correct answer is an astonishing 80%, Team 2 has redeemed themselves slightly.  


Can’t remember the announcements but lots of prayer requests.  I’ll keep it specific to the group we had.  Prayers for No-See-Um’s 2.0 that has been struggling along with the family trying to support him emotionally, prayers for Woody who is struggling with a difficult family dynamic, and prayers for my daughters eye surgery.  Logs of others outside of this group struggling with health issues.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for joining my cheesy version of F3 Groundhog Day.  Thanks to everyone for opening up and being real during the COT.  We are all trudging our way through this broken world at some level, but we do the best we can, knowing the glory waiting for us on the other side of life.

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