Don’t Be Mold
AO: Nirvana
When: 2025-01-18
QIC: The Real Woody
PAX (12): Buckshot, Dosido, PushBack, Santa Clause, Shazam, Shortcake, Special K, Stu, Sweep3r, Tank, turkey
Call outs for HC were put on the channel. And, God Bless @Turkey for putting out a riddle and calling PAX to "Not be Mold". 6 pre HCs...12 post. Pretty standard for this group. The attention is to the BD...not Slack. Rain was present, temps were decent. Let's go.Warm-O-Rama:
13 of eachHillbillies
Moroccan Night ClubsSSH
Mtn Climbers
Copperhead Squats
The Thang:
100 Merkin Buy-in for each PAXExercise Mile: Every light post- 5 burpees, 5 Bonnie Blairs, 5 Apollos (8?)
Mosey to BFH
Hill Repeats (2)
At bottom - 5 Jump Squats
Run to the top - 5 lunges each
Bottom - 10 Squats
Bernie Sanders up the hill. (BRUTAL)
Top - 10 Merkins
Back to the Flag:
Coupons - 10 Squats, 20 presses, 30 curls
Coupons - 10 Squats, 20 deadlifts, 30 rows