I Got Your Back

AO: Gladiator

When: 2025-01-16

QIC: Speedo

PAX (17): Busboy, Cheneral, Dark Side, defcon2, Dutch Oven, Fire Drill, Floater, Laces, Mater, RaspberryPi, Scratch-Off, Spandex, Speedo, TheBigShort, Yokel, Zohan, Brownie


Our friend Costanza is on the IR with a foot injury so YHC offered to pick up his Q. Then I injured my back saving a school bus load of kids from going over a cliff in a hurricane and several guys offered to pick up my substi-Q. That's so F3. I jokingly say that my F3 brothers will be fighting over who carries the casket at my funeral just so they can get some extra shoulder work in. Despite a nippy morning, 17 men posted and most of them were on time. Disclaimer given and we were off.


Mosey up to pavilion #1 parking lot for:
  • SSH x12
  • Weed pickers x12
  • Hillbillies x12
  • Copperhead squats x12
  • Phelps and WGS oyo

The Thang:

Thang 1 Partner up and find some curb. P1 does 10 merkins on the pavement while P2 holds his legs. P1 then 'steps' up on the curb for 10 more merkins. Flap jack. Then same partners where P1 is down on all fours while P2 does 20 derkins with his feet on the back of P1. Flap jack. Thang 2 Mosey toward and then past the concession stand to a hill behind left field. Partner up again for a Speedo 1-1-1 (Dora-style). P1 starts doing 100 HR merkins while P2 runs to the top of the hill and touches the fence then comes back down and flap jack. Target was 100 HR merkins, then 100 monkey humpers then 100 alpha crab cakes. Thang 3 Mosey to the rec center wall for a Donkey Burpee Webb. Jack Webb-style, do 1 burpee then 4 donkey kicks, 2 burpees + 8 donkey kicks and so forth. Goal was 10/40. YHC finished 6/24 and decided we needed to do the other fun things I had planned. Thang 4 Mosey to the pitch and line up on the end line for Gunners. Sprint like a gunner in football to the top of the box and do 15 alpha American hammers then up for 15 jump squats. Sprint to the midfield line and repeat with 20/20 then sprint again to the other box and finish with 25/25. Thang 5 Pax line up on the sideline close together and in an air chair position. This one is called Low High Fives. Guy at the end of the line starts bear crawling up the line and high fives each guy along the way. Once each guy is about half way down the line, the next guy goes. Some guys either didn't follow this guidance or are slower/faster than others as we nearly had some face to fanny collisions. Last Thang YHC was hoping Chanel would be there but he's nursing a back injury. We circled up in the center for a circle burp. High knees while each guy calls down and everyone does a burpee. The first 20% of the time was waiting for Brownie to call down. Back to the flag for a little mary until time was called.


Prayers for Busboy's sister/family and their newborn daughter Brooklyn who is having heart surgery. Prayers for Fuzzy Dice's daughter as she is in the hospital. Prayers for Chanel's friend in ML who continues to be at Shepard Center. Prayers for Bo Knows to return soon and for a full recovery. Praises for strong bodies and for this amazing fellowship of men.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for playing along guys. F3 has been such a blessing in my life and I'm thankful for each one of you. --Speedo out

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