A Moist Morning to GFJ
AO: Galaxy
When: 2024-12-10
QIC: Fenway
PAX (9): Abacus (Mark Green), Fenway, Jillian, Jorts, Sparky, Tommy (frolick) Bowen, Tuna, Tweaker, Wideright
The classics:- SSHs
- Weedpickers
- Copperhead squats
- Arm circles
- Warm up merkins
- Toy soldiers
The Thang:
Mosey to upper Galaxy and circle up. Pitbull special - While playing the song "Fireball" by Pitbull, all PAX remain in plank position and continuously do shoulder taps. Whenever you hear the word "fire", all PAX do a jump-clap. Whenever you hear the word "fireball", all PAX do a donkey kick. Retrieve coupons and return to circle. Circle of pain - 7 exercises (all with coupons) around circle and 2 runners. When both runners return, PAX rotate exercises (coupons remain in place). We did 3 rounds of:- Run
- Curls
- Skull crushers
- American Hammers
- Run
- Bench Press
- Kettle Swings
- Eyeballs