1st Birthday
AO: Crossroads
When: 08/26/2024
QIC: Nacho Libre
PAX (13): aflac, Avis, Ha-ha, Holdout, Hollywood, lumbergh, Mayhem, Stroller, Stu, TopHat, TP
Wow what a day! This past year has been such a whirlwind of emotions..
First Isabella was born 8/26/2023 on the day of Darth Visor Memorial CSAUP. Queso and I were at an estate sale that morning and we got the call. So we headed to the Hospital and waited. Didn’t hear anything. With adoption, we had heard the stories of moms backing out and that is what we thought happened. We started the morning process and questioned why. We had given up on adoption in January and sold our baby stuff in May only to get pulled back in July. So we woke up Sunday morning feeling sorry for ourselves and got a call from our lawyer that they still wanted to go through with the adoption. We jumped in and got ready to head to the hospital. Not knowing everything that surrounded her birth Isabella had to stay in the NICU for the first 17 days of her life.
Monday 8/28 rolls around and I head over to Crossroads. I couldn’t sleep so I might as well pound some pavement and fellowship. I remember it vividly. Not knowing if I was going to share. Still scared of what might happen. Well, I felt the nudge to share and opened up to F3. And wow what a blessing. The men circled around and poured into us. Spiritually, Financially, and Physically. A true blessing from God. I tear up thinking about El Matador and Cookie giving us a gift from the F3 Brothers. I can’t begin to say what that meant to our family! I can’t think of a better group of men to learn about fatherhood than the men of F3. Forever indebted to this group!
The Thang:
Ran the same route we did last year!
Happy birthday to Avis!