Rock of Ages
AO: School Of Rock
When: 2024-08-26
QIC: Tank
PAX (5): Dipstick, No-See-Um, Shazam, Sweep3r
First time Q at School of Rock, threw out a pre-ruck option.. no takers. But wait there is Sweeper for a pre-run. Been nursing a leg injury, but figured it had been long enough and time to give it a test run. Got about 4.5 in, but roll in a minute or two late, not good. Luckily the crew had started the warm up and I was only slightly given flack for my debacle.Warm-O-Rama:
Some normal stuff to get the blood moving.The Thang:
Overhead press 20 reps
Curls 30 reps
Flutters 50 alpha
3 rounds
movement after 3 rounds was bear crawl down and back about 50 feetGoblet squats 20
Dips 20
American Hammers 25 alpha
3 rounds
movement was bear crawl around circleLt. Dan 10 reps
WWIII 10 reps
Leg raises 15
3 rounds
crawl bear around circle Grand finale10 Thrusters
10 Man-Makers
20 feet on cinder mercan
20 hands on cinder mercan
20 mercan