A dirty dozen clears the board.
AO: Rubicon
When: 05/09/2023
QIC: Lil Hurt
PAX (12): Deep dish, False Start, FannyPack, Focker, Groundhog, lumbergh, Pinkey, Red Ryder, Special K, Speedo, Trebek
After a quick disclaimer, the PAX pondered what the optimal HC might be to clear the board in 45 minutes time. Last July, 21 PAX knocked it out in 30 minutes flat which resulted in many extra burpees for everyone to enjoy. The challenge was laid, and off we went…
- lap around parking lot w/ karaoke, butt kickers and high knees
- weed pickers
- wind mills
- imperial walkers
- copper head squats
- arm cirlces
- COVID hugs
The Thang:
*to a set list of Bette Midler (Special K request) and some 90’s 1 hit wonders*
25 sets of 25 reps;
- American Hammers
- Big Boys
- Derkins
- Dips
- Mercans
- Plank Jacks
- Sweat Angels
- Gas Pumpers
- Step Ups
- Monkey Humpers
- Squats
- Run 25 laps
- 25 Bear Crawls
- 25 Farmers Carry
- Burpees (*10)
Great team effort of clearing the board with only 2 minutes remaining. We headed back to the flag for some Mary to close it out.
*No Longer Bound Breakfast on 5/20 provided by Red Ryder. No-See-Um on Q w/ beatdown starting at 6:30am, and breakfast at 7:15am Please consider donating via Red Ryder’s Venmo, link posted on Slack. The NLB guys have also requested protein powder.
*F3 Alpha Blood Drive on Friday, June 2nd. Dipstick posted the link on Slack.
*Great to have Alpha Nantan Speedo join us @ the Rubicon this am. And apologies for the lack of respect due during Name-o-rama!
*let’s have a big turnout for Rubicon OG Miller Time’s 7th F3 anniversary Q on TH.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
“Did you ever know that you’re my hero?
You’re everything I wish I could be
I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings…”