Walls of Jericho – Burpee Eidtion

AO: Starting Line

When: 01/28/2023

QIC: Seaman

PAX (5): Better Call Saul, Dunshire, Script Kiddie, Seaman, Suarez


Script Kiddie and YHC did a 3 mile pre ruck.


Slow mosey

Arm Circles

Reverse Arm Circles

Michael Phelps

Willy Mays Hayes


The Thang:

Walls of Jericho

7 Burpees, take a lap

Repeat 7x, so that got

We had a fair amount of time left, so we took advantage of the exercise stations around the park.

We took turns at each station while the other pax did another exercise

Assisted pull ups, while the other pax held a chair pose

Dips / squats

Leg raises / LBCs

Curls / ring of fire

Back Extension / Ring of Fire

Assisted pull ups , then back to the pavilion for electric bike until time


Prayers for the Pax who have been under the weather

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