50th Bday Doggy Style Dry Humpers Erotic Q
AO: The Wreck
When: 01/27/2023
QIC: Yankee
PAX (36): aflac, Bear, Bieber, Blue, Boomstick, bronco, Catheter, Choo Choo, Circus, Deadbeat, Donor, Echo, Foley, gmonkey, goat, Matt Shields-Norm, Meltdown, Raider, rip, Rooney- timlonergan, Scar, Sell-out, Sic’em, Squeak, Stroller, Switch, Tubbs, Turbine, and at least 8 others.....
walk and warm.
Start walking around baseball field heading to FB field. Warm up while we walk.
10 – Side Straddle Hops
15 – Michael Phelps
20 – Arm Circles
15 – Merkins
The Thang:
Head to stadium bleachers:
Partner Up
Run around the outside of the FB Field.
Round 1 – Start /Stop – 15-20 Derkins and V-UPS
Round 2 – Start/Stop – 15-20 Derkins & Pickle Pushers
Round 3 – Start/Stop – 15-20 Derkins & Monkey Humpers
Round 4 – Start/Stop – 15-20 Derkins & Jane Fonda’s
Partner Plank – FB Field:
Partner is on one end doing a plank position (plank, J-lo, pickle pushers, flutters)
Other partner runs to opposite goal line – 100 HIGH KNEES (PLANK)
Runs 75 yards – 75 crunches (Tip to tongue touches) (FLUTTERS)
Run to 50 – 50 push ups (J LO’s)
Run to 25 – 25 Bonnie Blairs (Pickle Pushers)
Playground for a Yankee Roll Call:
One at a time for 5 pull ups.
Everyone else is doing V-Ups with a coupon. (Have to keep it off the ground)
Doggy Style Dry Humpers (Partner Up)
Return to Flag for AB Workout last 5 min:
Flutters J-Lo’s Bicycle (Freddy Mercury)
American hammer Tip to Tongue Touches Big Boys
Crunchy Frog Pickle Pushers Jane Fonda