Tour de Bad Apple

AO: Badapple

When: 11/14/2022

QIC: Ollie

PAX (8): Avis, Chalupa, Goose, Ollie, Rusty, Spider, Sprocket, TheBurn


  • 10x Weed Picker
  • 10x Toy Soldier

Moving quickly to the beatdown.

The Thang:

We took a counterclockwise lap around the park with our cinderblock.  The goal was to only put the cinderblock down when instructed.  Otherwise, the group was either moving along the trail with cinderblock or stopping to complete 25 reps of the prescribed exercise (presses, curls, squats, etc).

Upon completion of the lap, we completed some additional exercises with the cinderblock at the flag until time expired.



Prayer requests for those traveling and those expecting hard times during the holiday season, especially those going through the holidays for the first time after the loss of a loved one.

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