October Sports Medley – Take 2
AO: Gladiator
When: 10/27/2022
QIC: Scratch-Off
PAX (16): Bo Knows, Cheneral, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Judy, Laces, Macbeth, Mater, Moonshine, Scratch-Off, Spandex, Speedo, Tar Heel, TheBigShort, Brownie, Yeast
Hi folks, Scratch-Off here. The following BD was originally designed for October 13th, inspired by a Brownie-led Playoff Baseball BD a week or so before that. As we all know, October is one of the top 3 sports months of the year, up there with April, and College Football Bowl Week between Christmas and New Years. So, these groups of exercises would have made way more sense when the NLDS was going on…or right before Tennessee/Bama…or right after Texas/Oklahoma…
Just kidding. It’s always a good time to run wind sprints to the final number of the Musical Oklahoma while making fun of the University of Oklahoma for not scoring against Texas.
You will not see anything inspired by the Dwags.
Mosey to the cheese grater. Warm up to some stuff, mumble something about liability, and hit play on Greenday’s “Wake me up when September ends.” We slept through that alarm, apparently.
We got loose, stretched, yada yada yada.
Convergence on Saturday.
Spandex needs help with power tools.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I had fun this morning. And don’t worry, boys. I’m Qing again before the end of election season. Mwuahahahaha.
Scratch-Off, out.