Baseball – Spring Training
AO: Norseman
When: 03/29/2022
QIC: Pepper
PAX (15): Chapter 11, Crikey, David 'Wagonwheel' Wright, Ha-ha, Ivy League, Nacho Libre, Pepper, Pumba, Stu, TO, Untouchable, Walkie Talkie, Dr. Tron, Shawshank, Password123 (FNG).
With my 5 year-old son’s baseball season in full SWING (see what I did there?), and MLB opening day around the corner, we hit the “baseball field” for some Spring Training.
Mosey over to the turf field’s parking lot, where we began with a 7th Inning Stretch:
- [off rhythm] SSHs
- Weed Pickers
- [awkwardly counted] Hillbillies
- Â Windmills – or were they little baby arm circles? (I can’t believe y’all let me Q)
Head onto the turf field…
The Thang:
Cones were set up, marking a baseball “infield.” We began at Home Plate, where each PAX hit through a “cycle” in each of 3 innings, while listening to a playlist of the “walk-out” songs of my 5U/6U players.
Single: sprint to 1st base, and complete the marked 1st-inning exercise. Mosey back home.
Double: repeat above, then sprint to 2nd base to complete the next 1st-inning exercise. Mosey back home.
Triple: repeat above, then sprint to 3rd base to complete the next 1st-inning exercise. Mosey back home.
Home Run: repeat above, then sprint Home to complete the final 1st-inning exercise. This completed the 1st inning.
The exercises were:
1st-inning: 1st base: merkins 10x; 2nd base: squats 20x; 3rd base: Carolina Dry Docks 20x; Home Plate: scissor kicks 20x.
2nd-inning: 1st base: shoulder taps 10x; 2nd base: lunges 10x (alpha); 3rd base: Moroccan Nightclub 100x; Home Plate: LBCs 20x.
3rd-inning: 1st base: mtn climbers 20x; 2nd base: jumping squats 10x; 3rd base: plank 20 seconds; Home Plate: Freddie Mercuries 20x
After the 3rd inning, we completed a “Grand Slam,” where we ran the bases, stopping at each base to complete two of the three exercises assigned to that base…PAX’s choice (I don’t understand why no one chose Moroccan Nightclubs at 3rd base).
With the pride of hitting 3 cycles + a grand slam, we took one final victory lap around the bases, before returning to the flag, where I made the mistake of giving Ha-Ha 90 seconds (felt more like 9 minutes) to give our abs a final burnout.
FNG Day, approaching in late April…digital flyer is coming soon.
FNG, known far and wide for his incredible skills and thriving career in Cyber Security, has been aptly named: Password123.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
When I talk about F3, I get asked, “isn’t it hard to wake up and workout at 5:30??” and I respond with, “yeah…but it’s FUN!”
Thanks for the constant encouragement and commitment! Thanks to Dr. Tron for attending the Norseman for my VQ! Thanks to Password123 for choosing today to make his debut! Chapter11, thanks for being a Q resource, and sharing all the knowledge that only a veteran Q like yourself would possess. 😉