Deck of Death Substi-Q
AO: The Bound
When: 01/26/2022
QIC: Cookie
PAX (11): Birdie, Cookie, Ha-ha, Pothole, Red Ryder, Bullet, Butterbean, Coast to Coast, La Vida, Sand Flea, FNG Gator
On a morning that was supposed to be a Nacho Q, YHC receives a text at 5:12am as I’m walking out the door that Nacho was feeling sick and could not post. So I did what any respectable PAX would do, I grabbed my F3 Deck of Death cards to inflict pain on the NLB guys as a Substi-Q. 30 degrees with windchill in the mid-20’s. 11 PAX answered the call and off into the gloom we went.
Head across the street to our favorite corporate facility parking lot for:
- circle Burp
- Good Morning
- Imperial Walker
Still not fully warmed up, so we did a quick partner Dora, with one PAX running and the other staying put for:
- 50 merkins
- 100 squats
- 150 LBC
The Thang:
Head back to campus for the main event. F3 Deck of Cards workout. Each card has a number and workout designated.
- add 10 reps to whatever number is on the card
- 25 reps for face cards
- Ace is 100 reps
- Joker is pick your poison
- Run in between each exercise accept the cardio-based ones
We went around the horn twice. No time left for Mary.
Prayers for Woodpecker as he was recently dismissed from the program. Please allow him to find a circle of positive influence. Prayers for Nacho and his recovery. Welcome FNG Chase, aka Gator. A UGA-loving, reptile-loving guy. He didn’t seem too happy with the name at first until we told him that it actually was a pretty mild name compared to others. Then he embraced it.
We were graciously invited to join the NLB men for coffee in the cafeteria afterwards.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Very impressive to see Bullet in short sleeves and shorts on such a cold day. We should rename him the Silver Bullet. It’s awesome to watch the acceleration of these guys.
Honored to lead.