Blue Collar BD
AO: The Wreck
When: 01/19/2022
QIC: Echo
PAX (14): aflac, Backside, Doogie, Echo, Foley, Juul, Matt Shields-Norm, Moonshine, Raider, rip, Squeegee, Switch, Tubbs, Vanilla
Don’t have much time to get creative for this, we’re going simple backblast for a simple BD.
- Toy Soldier
- Weed Picker
- Mountain Climber
The Thang:
- Bottom of the hill 5 burpees
- Top of the hill 10 merkins
- Speed bump 15 Freddie Mercurys
- Back to top of the hill 20 shoulder taps
Mosey to wall
- 11s of box jumps & stone mountains
Go to baseball field
- Sprint to foul pole, mosey to next foul pole, sprint home. 3X
Back to wall
- 11s of dips & inclined merkins
Bottom of the hill for 25 fire hydrants each leg, top of the hill for 25 something that I can’t remember the name of. Bear crawl middle lot on the way back to the flag for good measure, then some Mary to pass the time.