Speedo does not own a Speedo
AO: The Hooch
When: 08/11/2021
QIC: Speedo
PAX (15): Birdie (R), Meatball (R), McGuire (R), Scrooge, Sugar, Animal, McCracken, Sunshine, Wingnut, Zohan, Speedo, Flo, Angus, Feathers, Hot Chicken
YHC signed up for this date a while back as it marks my half birthday each year. More explanation is to come about the significance of this date. The parking lot filled up quickly and the stretching and chatter came to an end as the disclaimer was given and we were off. Seems like most times I Q there is some expectation that I will one day show up and Q in a speedo. Today was not that day and the men of #Hooch did not have to see that.
Mosey toward the movie theater and hang a left to run past iron tribe and to the parking lot by the ever-changing names restaurant on the corner for:
- SSH x15
- Weed pickers x12
- Hill Billies x12
- Good mornings OYO
The Thang:
Thang 1
Mosey toward the church. On the cut-through road, YHC told the lead PAX to head left (which they did) but I meant the other left so we corrected quickly and heading right. We ran past the roundabout and into the parking lot for some Star Four Corners. Beginning in the center of this rectangular section of the parking lot we started with 10 star jumps. After each of the four corners, the PAX had to pay a 10 star jump toll before continuing to the next corner. Exercises were:
- LBCs x25
- Squats x25
- Flutter Kicks x25
- Monkey Humpers x25
We finished with 10 star jumps in the center and a little mary for the gazelles. After a walking 10-count by Feathers, we were off again.
Next Thang
Mosey to the track and partner up. P1 ran while P2 did AMRAP 5 merkins then 5 BBSUs. Each PAX had to run four laps so each pair completed a mile on this non-standard track. Wingnut unknowingly foreshadowed the next exercise when he called for some alternating shoulder taps until the six was in. Another walking 10-count (don’t recall who) and we were off again.
Next Thang
YHC introduced the non-alternating shoulder tap. In a plank position, go down far enough to push off and drive your torso up while both hands touch the same-side shoulder AT THE SAME TIME. Kind of like a clap merkin but hands come all the way up to the shoulders. YHC challenged the PAX with 10 OYO. Some brave PAX with good dental plans tried it on the sidewalk while others played it safer on the grass. Another walking 10-count and we were off again.
Next Thang
On the little side road near Peachtree Parkway, we did some 7’s. Start on one side and do 6 derkins then bear crawl to the other side of the road, do 1 irkin (erkin?) and then crawl bear back to the first curb. YHC really struggled with this one since it is focused on the shoulders the whole time. Gazelles lunge walked back and forth for the six. A final walking 10-count and one last mosey to the bank.
Next Thang
Partner up again for partner derkins. P1 planks while P2 does derkins with feet on P1’s back then flapjack. Round 1 included 10 regular derkins and round 2 was 10 diamond derkins. Fun times were had by all.
Last Thang
Despite YHC supposedly saying there would be no burpees we moseyed to the end of the big parking lot and told the PAX to get back to the flag any way they would like (running was recommended) but stop at each street light and do a descending number of burpees starting with 5. That sucked.
Finished up with a few rounds of mary until time was called.
Two CSAUP options on 8/21…one in Alpha, one in Gwinnett. Check Slack for details and try to attend one of them.
A prayer meeting for Perimeter School dads is Saturday at 7 am. Check with Flo for details
Zohan shared some details about his experience at Grow Ruck Charlotte last weekend. It sounded like a truly brutal but amazing experience and no one was surprised he survived to the end. He represented F3Alpha well!
Praise for Animal’s nephew who is recovering from RSV.
Prayers for Sugar’s 2.0 as he faces challenges with friends and others at school.
Prayers for the many unspoken things on each of our hearts.
Prayers for wisdom for our leaders to get us through covid.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I always have fun and work hard with the boys at The Hooch. Thanks for posting and for playing along with the crazy stupid stuff I suggest.
–Speedo out