IPC Blow Out
AO: The Rubicon
When: 09/10/2019
PAX (12): Red Rider (FNG), Trebek, Pinkey, Devito, Mayhem, Stroller, Krueger, Top Hat, Cookie, Heidi, Lumberg, Miller Time.
Iron Pax Challenge Week 2 – This week it was determined early that more than 45 minutes was needed. To accomodate we started at 5:15 AM with notification on Slack yesterday. It was a good test to see who is paying attention to our comz. Turned out all but one is getting notifications or checking in. Even our FNG showed up 15 minutes early. YHC asked everyone if they were ready to get their A**es kicked. No need to ask really. Everyone knows IPC is always tough but they posted anyways. Nobody was scared (except Pellets – he told me yesterday he was scared)
Oh Yeah, it was my Bday Q – thanks to Stroller for coming over!
A mosey over to the pool lot where my truck was waiting with Cinders. No need to tell anyone to grab one. They knew.
The Thang:
IPC week 2 – Some brief directions were provided and we began. Amazon music was all Jacked up this morning so the Q got a late start fumbling around with some stubborn glitchy software.
10X – ManMakers
20x – Press
30X – Kettle swings
40 X – Squats
50 X – Incline Mercans
Run after each cycle of above starting with 1600 Meters and dropping 400 Meters each time for four cycles.
Praise everyone made it back safe from BRR
2nd F discussion – looking at next Thursday. Please try to make it. Details to come.
Welcome Red Rider!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
- MumbleChatter was very minimal, sweat puddles were everywhere, Empathy was felt for the FNG.
- Credit to Mayhem (1st with sub 41 minutes) and Stroller shortly behind him. They busted it hard.
- Credit to Cookie for doing this IPC two days in a row. Clearly he was repenting for bad behavior over the weekend.
- Thanks to Top Hat for bringing his easel white board combo
- Not everyone finished but everyone worked hard
- Thanks to Virginia Slim for the cinder donations. We got 14 shiny new toys I need to find a place for now.