To Be 21 Again
AO: The Shadow
When: 06/11/2019
QIC: Scout
PAX (8): Madoff, Chain Gang, CIA, Suds, Manhole, Stripper, Fireballs and Scout
As a special note: Manhole (Michael Schulman) has volunteered to collect donations for a gift or flowers for Nick Nicholson’s (Fist Founder) family on the passing of his son, Nate. Please keep the family in your prayers this week. Manhole is the Q on Thursday or he may send out his Venmo info (Millennials understand this).
To be 21 again (06-11-2019)
On the first dry and cool morning in a few days/weeks, eight brothers gathered in the DHS parking lot to see if I could count and keep cadence during Imperial Walkers. I can’t consistently but we went on anyway. The PAX: Madoff, Chain Gang, CIA, Suds, Manhole, Stripper, Fireballs and Scout posted this AM at Dunwoody High School. The Thang:
In-cadence, SSH (15), Imperial Walkers (15) and Mountain Climbers (16) rinse and repeat. Next were Cotton Pickers (15), Mercans (15) and Sumo Squats (15) in-cadence rinse and repeat.
Run out of the parking lot and around to the front of the school for a Pyramid of 5 at the handrail: 1 modified pull up, 2 advanced boat canoes (ABCs) and then 3 squats, double each time until you get to 5 pull ups and then back down the pyramid to 1 pull up. Plank for the 6.
Mosey to the back of the school for a quick bear crawl to the light pole (I miss Poison!!). A few more feet to the top of the stairs for a crowd pleaser: 5 Eight Count Body Builders at this end, one burpee at the Gym, 2 stops each direction for 5 mercans. Finish at the Gym entrance.
Back down to the flag for some Mary: 21 Low Flutters, 21 Dying Cockroaches and 21 LBCs all in-cadence, rinse and repeat. Manhole made the comment that no matter how hard I tried that I would not be 21 again.
Threw in 21 ABCs just to tie them in to earlier pleasure. Mosey to the stairs for 30 calf raises of different flavors. Count Off!
COT: Manhole took us out with thoughts and prayers for Nick’s Family.