Shirts Optional For the Third Straight Dora
AO: The Wreck
When: 06/07/2019
QIC: Switch
PAX (14): Bear, Sprocket, Windex, Aflac, Swamp Donkey, Grease Monkey , Rooney, Squeegee, Thumper, Raider, Rusty, Whiff, and Moped
14 Brave men came out in 100% chance of rain!
X15 side stratal hop
X15 Imperial walkers
X10 weed pickers
X15 Moutain climbers
The Thang:
Dora 1 2 3 in the pavilion – 100 dirkins per team, 200 Romanian Dead Lifts, 300 step ups per team. The other team member runs up the hill to the 3rd light at the end of the parking lot and back.
Bro-circle – Circle lap in opposite directions around the lake, when you meet up first do 5X bro-bies, Each PAX keep in same direction, and do 10X bro-kins the next time you meet up. 3 Laps
Explore the Space – Incorporated the Roswell Exercise Area by where we started. Each team has one PAX doing 25X LBC’s and one using the exercise equipment (Pull ups, Setup ups, stationary bike, chest press, etc).
Naked-Man Moleskin:
9 turned out to CLC for some coffee and conversation. Thanks for pushing me guys!