Sea Turrrrtles
AO: The Gladiator
When: 05/30/2019
QIC: Manchester
PAX (11): Sox, Twitch, PJ, Scrum, Kegger, Brownie, Mufasa, Hobo, Spandex, Wicka-Wicka, Manchester
Wednesday night, the 90th minute at the Benz, Atlanta are up 1-0 and it was yet another boring game under FDB… 7 minutes of added time go up… and then King Josef pops in two goals in extra time to make my night!
As with any MBDE (Manchester Beatdown Eve), Viking has already dropped out… mumblechatter ( which was accurate) that Tebow will be doing his best fart-sack efforts has started and a late night text from DC2 confirming he’s doing the same- what else did I expect?
Aptly, 11 PAX total showed up- just enough for The Gladiator FC to form.
A short mosey to the pitch and a dynamic warm up from the pax before the Thang.
The Thang:
The Pax were given two captains- dynamic striker PJ and the engine of the midfield Brownie and asked to split into two teams- or show their allegiance, however the captains wanted to perceive it.
There were 5 cones laid out, each further away from the goal. At each cone, one member of each team would take a shot to determine the exercise for their team. Score, and the exercise would be less painful. Miss, and good luck explaining to your team the # of reps you would have to do.
Cone 1 (15 yards)- Score= 10 Squats, Miss= 90 Squats
Cone 2 (25 yards)- Score= 20 Merkins, Miss= 80 Merkins
Cone 3 (35 yards)- Score= 30 Calf Raises, Miss= 70 Calf Raises
Cone 4 (45 yards)- Score= 40 Side Straddle Hops, Miss= 60 SSH’s
Cone 5 (Half-way)- Score= 50 Viking Claps, Miss= 150 Viking Claps
Cone 5 (Half-way)- Score= 50 Romanian Leg Lifts, Miss= Bonnie Blair Lunge Jump the length of the pitch.
Cone 4 – Score= 40 Monkey Humpers, Miss= 60 Monkey Humpers
Cone 3- Score= 30 Merkins, Miss= 70 Merkins
Cone 2- Score= 20 Calf Raises, Miss= 80 Calf Raises
Cone 1- Score= 10 Diamond Merkins, Miss= Go Home, how did you miss from there?
The Pax then turned the heat up a little with some more competition. We revisited Cone 1-5 but at each cone modified the pain.
1- 20 Squats if your team score, 60 if you miss.
2- 30 Calf Raises if your team score, 90 if you miss.
3- 40 Romanian Leg Lifts if you score, Duck walk half and then bear crawl half if you miss.
4- 50 squats if you score, suicides if you miss.
5- I blacked out and can’t remember what we did…
With a few minutes left, and in the spirit of competitiveness we had a race between the teams. One person from each team had to dribble the ball down to cone 5 and back, upon return the next member of the pax did the same. While dribbling the rest of the team either did Squats or Merkins. First team to complete it won.
Mosey back to the flag to wrap up the BD with some Sea TurrrrrrTles. .
Prayers for Wicka-Wicka that his out-patient procedure goes well, prayers for Sox that his reduction goes well, Prayers for the girl and her family found in the complex off Holcomb Bridge Road.
The Wreck- Birthday is Wednesday, Gladiator PAX are strongly recommended to attend- let’s show up strong!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks again for letting me lead.