Reuben’s Playground
AO: Firehouse
When: 05/30/2019
QIC: Reuben
PAX (2): Olaf, Reuben
With the summer heat in full effect, YHC new a hot afternoon in the 90’s most likely brings about a morning of humidity here in GA. This am was definitely a morning with a cloud of humidity sitting over The Firehouse. Let’s mosey!
Mosey around the upper lot for warm up:
- Windmill
- Tin man
- Nancy Kerrigan
The Thang:
This was a rinse and repeat workout from last year. It definitely worked up a lather for Olaf and myself. The humidity made it painful, but worth it.
Playground workout:
- Bench Jumps (8-10 reps)
- Pull-Ups (as many as you can do)
- Pistol Squat (8-10 reps)
- Push-Ups (8-10 reps)
- Lateral Leap (8-10 reps)
- Inverted Row (8-10 reps)
- Bulgarian Split-Squat (8-10 reps per leg)
- Decline Push-Ups (8-10 reps)
- Dips (8-10 reps)
- Monkey Bars (once across)
- Ab Roll-Out (as many as you can do)
Complete this circuit of exercises 3X. No resting in between the exercises. Rest 60-90 secondsbetween each circuit. Once you have completed 3 circuits, finish the workout with:
- Sprints (1 set of 10 40-yard dashes). Sprint first 40 yds and then 4o yds Bernie Sanders for total of 10 for the set.
Mary consisted of 50 LBC’s IC for a total of 100 reps; and some reps of Rosalita, Freddy Mercury, and 1 min plank hold by Olaf. Boom!! We out!
2 PAX for today’s beatdown. Great to catch up with Olaf after his Disney trip. Disney is not Disney if your not rucking, according to Olaf. This statement could not be more true.
Prayers for missing PAX and continued prayers for Clucker’s job search and family.