BJs for the win…broad jump, that is
AO: Big Creek
When: 05/21/2019
QIC: Inseam
PAX (8): Bell, Whiz, Spit Valve, McDuff, Dumpster, Bartman, Swiper, and Inseam
YHC was excited to get back at it this week after a nice little get-a-way with the M last week. It was a smart move signing up to Q prior to leaving, because it was tough beating the fartsack this morning.
Mosey around the parking lot towards the baseball where we circled up and did the following:
- SSH – 12 IC
- Good Mornings – 6 IC
- Weed Pickers – 8 IC
- Butt-kickers (down the hill to destination) – OYO
The Thang:
Thang 1:
This morning in the gloom, we started things off with a little four corners escalator between the four baseball fields. We sprinted to each corner and performed the following exercises, air chair for six at each corner.
- Corner 1 – 10 Squats
- Corner 2 – 10 Squats, 20 Merkins
- Corner 3 – 10 Squats, 20 Merkins, 30 Double Inseam (Leg) Raises
- Corner 4 – 10 Squats, 20 Merkins, 30 Double Inseam (Leg) Raises, 40 LBCs
Rinse and repeat, but this time we will run a full lap and perform the exercises at the start each time.
- Corner 1 – 10 Star Jumps
- Corner 2 – 10 Star Jumps, 20 Dips
- Corner 3 – 10 Star Jumps, 20 Dips, 30 Rosallitas
- Corner 4 – 10 Star Jumps, 20 Dips, 30 Rosallitas, 40 Calf Raises
Thang 2:
Quick ten count, and off to the baseball field. We met at first base where YHC informed the Pax that we will be doing the Bearmuda Triangle. Typically you would bear crawl to 3rd base, deposit one burpee, bear crawl to home plate, deposit two burpees, bear crawl to 1st base, deposit three burpees. Rinse and repeat twice, for a total of three rounds. However, YHC thought he would spice things up a bit. At each base, a single Pax would dual YHC in a game of rock-paper-scissors. If YHC wins then we bear crawl to the next base, if the Pax wins, we broad jump (“BJ”, thanks Whiz). Unfortunately, YHC is a beast at rock-paper-scissors (house always wins)…and BJs were a rare occurrence this morning. This didn’t matter to McDuff, who is half bear.
Thang 3:
Jacobs ladder, OYO. Thanks Dumpster for the recommendation to back pedal up the hill. Now its Swiper’s time to shine.
Once all 7 were complete, we all met at the bottom of the hill, talked about Whiz’s awesome new shoes, and printed back to the sundial. Where we did AMRAP pull ups and a few minutes of Mary.
AlphaRuck tonight launching from Wills Park in Alpharetta. Sixes Wild ruck in Cherokee next Friday. Chattanooga beatdown and ruck July 13th to honor the 5 men lost a few years back. Pray for students, parents, and teachers during this crazy last week of school. No mention of the upcoming GrowRuck15?? Okay…
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It was great to be back. Crazy how much YHC missed the Gloom while on vacation.