Oh, Hipflexors!
AO: The Shadow
When: 05/14/2019
QIC: Chain Gang
PAX (8): Billboard Green Bean Suds CIA Fireballs Scout Rambo
Despite the unseasonal 53 degree morning, plenty showed up for fun, while others partook in the fartsack.
- Sidestraddle Hop 20xIC
- Engine from curb to light pole
- Lunge to curb
- Bear crawl to light pole
- Windmill 18xIC
- Monkey jumpers 10xIC
- Burpees 10xOYO
The Thang:
Thang 1
- Mosey the long way around the school to the rock garden for some extra weight
- Bear crawl down the steps into the garden
- Choose a rock friend carefully
- Circuit – Dips 20x with rock, then box jump with rock up the garden steps. Rinse and repeat down to 15x dips (20,19,18,17,16,15)
- Run around the school with rock, return rock to its home
- Partner up for 30x leg throws
- 10x Burpees
Thang 2
- Mosey to north street
- 10x Burpees
- 30x Toyotas, “sprint”, if you can, to the top, 25x Merkins
- Rinse and repeat for total of 3x sets
- Maybe more burpees
Thang 3
- Mosey to the track
- 10x Burpees, I think
- Cherokee run around track
- Aerosmith to the entry of the parking lot
- Let’s do 10x more burpees
- Partner up again for 30x leg throw fun (don’t let partner’s sweat drip in your mouth)
- Jail break to the school
- Circle up, 10x Burpos for good measure
Green Bean took us out, prayers to be who He wants us to be in the world, good husbands and fathers, glorifying him