VQ for Monday Respect
AO: The Wreck
When: 05/06/2019
QIC: Sellout
PAX (20): Miller Time, Aflac, Rusty, Divot, Ariel, Virginia slim, Yankee, Foley, Tubbs, Sprocket, Raider, Backside, Squeegee, Hat Trick, Rooney, Swamp Donkey, Bear, Double D, Bieber, Sellout,
Great weather for the VQ! After a year of crazy medicl issues a great way to celebrate being in the AO!
LET”S GET IT ON! Started mosey up the road at a good clip. Warm up in parking lot. 15 Hillbillies, 15 Cotton Pickers, 15 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Windmills. Quick Mosey to the the low wall behind baseball field.
The Thang:
Grabbing the wall for 30 dips, 30 each leg step ups. Quicker mosey to the parking lot by football field. partner up. One partner gets a jump rope and takes off to far end of lot while partner gets to donkey kick up the wall of concession stand. three rounds. We got in two. Best quote, “deceptively difficult”! Mosey to the football field. Stay with partner. Leap frog over your partners back to the 20. Together 20 dying cockroach, leap frog to the 40, 20 T-Bombs, Leap frog to the next 40 (60?) 20 Peter Parkers, Leap frog to the 20 and run back to start in sideways run, reversing every 20 yards. Repeat. LBCs for the six. Quick mosey to coupon of rocks. One rock per pair. Back to back, slight squat and pass coupon around to each other. 25 in one direction and 25 in opposite direction. Squat for 6. 10 big boyz. 5 burpees. Quick mosey to the playground. Each partner performed full straight arm hanging pull ups. Mosey back to the flag.
First listen to the awesome noisy birds of the morning. 20 seconds of silence. Very thankful to the AO for support during my prostate cancer surgery. Special thanks to Squeegee for initial invite. Everyone keep their head on a swivel for opportunities to support those around us. Amen.