Hattrick Bday Q / Stomach Bug Roll Call
AO: The Wreck
When: 05/10/2019
QIC: Hattrick
PAX (23): Sellout, Backside, Couch, Bear, Bieber, Aflac, IBeam, Rusty, Switch, Wide Right, Divot, Tubbs, Sprocket, Crablegs, Roadtrip, Raider, Foley, Tweaker, Squeegie, Swamp Donkey, Rooney, Banjo, Hattrick
As the commute towards The Wreck began at 0500 hrs, there was reflection. May 12, 1983 YHC was born 7 weeks early at 5 lbs, spent several weeks in an incubator at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston gaining strength. The name Dustin given, later in life learning the name means “valiant fighter”.
Thirty-six years later a more mobile incubator also builds strength, known as The Wreck, and does so in a variety of ways: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Gratitude was the overwhelming emotion as the pax arrived and flag shoveled in the ground; 0530 approached.
A brief introduction of recent addition Banjo (by way of Hogwallow) then some chatter of time striking so we mosey to the steps by the pond, three calf raises each step and circle up in the parking lot.
12 Windmills
12 Weed Pickers
12 SSH
12 hillbillies
The Thang:
The Wreck 2.0 workout may be pushed until next Sat or the next. Ask Squeegee. See Slack.
Beer Mile May 17, again see Slack. good jerb Bronco.
Memorial Day BD, begins at 0630(?) at steps of Roswell City Hall.
Prayer for Chalupa surgery and recovery.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Sometimes life can toss heavy burdens on us just like a heavy weighted vest was tossed on YHC for this bday Q. YHC has a mentor that focuses on asking questions of a wholistic life; dubbed the 4 square life consisting of emotional, spiritual, mental and physical. This helps as the weight of life becomes too much; there’s something greater to place trust and belief in something greater than self. Would need to think back to teen years or college where a single offering satisfied a challenge and growth opportunity for all of the “4 square life” listed above. While adulting; the only opportunity I’ve found that offers growth in all 4 areas is F3. Grateful.