Seles Is Back!
AO: The Shadow
When: 05/04/2019
QIC: Seles
PAX (9): BiBo, Green Bean, Leon, Fireballs, Scout, Madoff, CIA, FNG, Seles
After a two-month injury hiatus, Seles was back for a Q at the Shadow and the PAX were happy to receive the usual Seles beatdown (this time with a little twist of Plank!)
12 Side Straddle Hops, 12 Baryshnikovs (ea. leg), 12 Floyd Mayweathers, 12 Mountain Climbers, 12 Sumo Squats and 12 Mary Katherines i.c. Rinse & Repeat
Throughout the workout: Stop every 4 minutes for 30 seconds of Plank!
The Thang:
Mosey to Base of Scout’s Hill. Climb the hill alternating Broad Jumps, inch worms, lunge walks, bear crawls and crab walks.
Cherokee Run to Wynterhall Swim & Tennis with 5 merkins off the back
Mary at the base of the hill: 15 Box-cutters, 15 Heels to Heaven, 15 L over R, 15 R over L, 15 ABC, 15 Dying Cockroaches, 15 LBCs and 15 High Dollys i.c.
Climb the hill alternating lunge walks, crab walks, broad jumps and bear crawls.
Cherokee Run to the Base of the Nature Center Hill with 5 merkins off the back
Crowd Pleaser! (modified due to time constraints; YHC forgot to account for the 7.5 minutes of plank in the planning time calculations) 5 burpees at the bottom, 5 merkins at 3 stops on the hill (up and down), 1 Burpee at the top. Down to 1 at the bottom, up to 5 at the top. Only able to get two climbs up the hill before time.
Mosey back to start for final Plank.
FNG is now Grasshopper! Leon took us out.