Bearpee Baseball
AO: Big Creek
When: 05/02/2019
QIC: Inseam
PAX (6): Bell, Whiz, Spit Valve, Badger, McDuff, and Inseam
YHC was excited to shake things up again at his home AO this week. However, the park is so big and the Exicon so long, whatever shall I decide. Well after reading the whole thing nearly twice, and google-earthing the crap out of Fowler Park, there were a handful of routines that particularly stood out and some locations rarely visited by the Pax. Among those routines were the following.
Mosey to the usual spot where we circled up and did the following:
- SSH – 10 IC
- Good Mornings (slow and deep) – 10 IC
- Toy Soldiers – 12 IC
The Thang:
Thang 1:
Before heading up the forgotten soccer field, 3 Pax dodged sleeping snakes to select some coupons for later. Off with our coupons, we make it to the forgotten field, set our coupons down and get in a little Bearpees action. We started with 4 paces of bear crawl to one burpee, the width of the field. Then 4 paces to 2 burpees coming back. Time proved to be against us, and everyone at the Creek loves bear crawls so much, so YHC called an audible halfway through. Round 3 we increased to 8 paces and 3 burpees. Finally, 8 paces and 4 burpees, back to the start where we got a quick 10 count before heading off.
Thang 2:
There wasn’t much running planned for today, so YHC chose to continue the tour to the far end of the park to compensate. We grabbed our coupons and moseyed up the hill to the tennis courts, stopping halfway to switch off coupon duty. Time for a little Parking Lot of Dreams, if you will (no coupons near the baseball fields). First base was Squats, second was Merkins, and third was LBCs, all AMRAP while the Pax at home plate did the following.
- Round 1 – 25 Curls
- Round 2 – 25 Skull Crushers
AlphaRuck tonight launching from Wills Park in Alpharetta. Upcoming GrowRuck15. All the unspoken pray requests.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Today marks the end of YHC’s third month in F3, again, you guys rock. Thanks for pushing me to be a better man and husband. Big props to Bell for cranking it up to 11 in the 11th hour! Getting ready for his VQ at the Grindstone AO Wednesday relaunch next week, maybe…whatever it was, good work Brother!