The Last Supper
AO: The Galaxy
When: 04/18/2019
QIC: Tweaker
PAX (9): Blue,Sparky,Wide Right, Tweaker, Cha Ching, Yahtzee, Venus, Dora, Grease Monkey
Today at 5:30 as the cars arrived some of us limped in after the Grease Monkey beatdown at the Wreck on Wednesday. To our surprise he was there to also receive said beatdown from the Galaxy crew. I hope we didn’t dissapoint. 🙂
15 Windmills
10 Weedpickers
3 Sun Salutations (Yoga)
The Thang:
With today being Maundy Thursday the workout was themed on the last supper. In the illustation above just like the Di Vinci painting there are 6 apostles on each side of Jesus.
Part one. For the first 6 apostles we did a 4 corners workout adding 2 additional corners and used the entire park with runs between corners. All counts by 3’s (Trinity)
First corner started with 3 burpees, Second adding 6 big boy situps, Third adding 9 squats , Fouth adding 12 mountain climbers, Fifth adding 15 merkins and finally sixth adding 18 smurf jacks.
Next to give an idea of a fraction of the pain endured by Jesus on the cross. We collected two coupons and held them out latterally for 3:33
Part two. For the second 6 apostles we continued 6 corners with double the original count and the harder excercizes.
First corner started with 6 donkey kick burpees, Second adding 12 gas pumps (luge), Third adding 18 jump squats, Fourth adding 24 plank jacks, Fifth adding 30 incline merkins against the stage, and finally sixith adding 36 bonnie blairs.
With 10 min still on the clock we ran up to the upper playground for a round of Foley.
Prayer requests for my father and mother-in-law both with cancer diagnosis, for Cha-Chings mom as she recovers from hip surgery, and for Venus’s father who is critial with a heart value issue at St Joseph’s.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Galaxy will change adding a third day on Friday’s