7 PAX Rock Out with #TheGirlfriends
AO: Big Creek
When: 04/18/2019
QIC: Ha-ha
PAX (7): Spit Valve, Inseam, Swiper, Bell, Snake, Olaf, Ha-ha
It’s always fun to visit Big Creek for YHC. They are close to home, almost like a second home AO for me although I do not get there enough. This morning the Nantan Tour 2019 made a stop at Big Creek for week 3 stop 4. YHC will be glad when this tour is over! The girls are wearing on me!
After a thorough disclaimer that covered everything and put all liability on Spit Valve we were off for a circle of the parking lot to the velvet notes of “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns N’ Roses. We circled up and performed:
- Weed Pickers
- Imperial Walkers
The Thang:
Musical Dora
If you have met #TheGirlfriends you know the drill: Partner 1 runs to the end of the parking lot and back while partner 2 performs an exercise picked by YHC. When he returns, flapjack. Continue until the song ends. New song, new exercise.
The morning playlist went like this:
Welcome to the Jungle | 04:33 | Warm-o-rama |
Smells Like Teen Spirit | 05:01 | Kettlebell Swing |
Dani California | 04:42 | Hammer Curls |
Hungery Like The Wolf | 03:40 | Thrusters |
Dead Inside | 04:22 | Skull Crusher |
It’s the End of the World as We Know it | 04:06 | Squat w/ bag |
Give it Away | 04:42 | Overhead Press |
La Grange | 03:50 | Bent Over Row |
Drill Sargent | 00:21 | Return Girlfriends to Truck |
Psycho | 05:16 | Merkins |
Bulls on Parade | 03:49 | Abs |
44:22 | Total |
The men of Big Creek worked it hard! These guys are accelerating the first F and taking names.
Back to the flag.
- 4/20 Cross Ruck moved to 0500 Saturday morning Alpharetta First UMC with a finish by 0630 so you can make it to the convergence…
- 4/20 Convergence at Norseman 0700
- 4/28 Region picnic 3:00 pm Windward sports park
- 8/23-24 GROWRUCK — register NOW!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
This group has been growing so fast I feel like I only know half of them! They have a strong crop of RNGs and what is up with all the beards? Swiper and I were the only ones clean shaven! Well, old guys grow grey beards…
Some serious weight loss going in this group as well. Maybe the Gladiator and Big Creek can do an AO challenge on weight loss.
Will someone please tell FoCo to change some light bulbs in this place?
Great attendance at coffeteria with 5? in attendance at the house that coffee built, you know the one. It has a star in the name…
Good work, men!