Rock Garden at the Cowbell
AO: Cowbell
When: 04/10/2019
QIC: Nacho Libre
PAX (4): Whiz, Inseam, Callahan, and Nacho Libre
The Cowbell…YHC lives about 5 miles from the cowbell so when given the chance to take the Q I jumped all over it. Now this was my first time so Qing was a little on the fly.
Mosey over near the fields. SSH’s, Imperial Walkers, and a few windmills.
The Thang:
YHC was looking for some coupons and needed assistance from the veteran Callahan and he didn’t disappoint. Everyone grabbed a Coupon (the biggest one they could handle) Whiz pulled an audible and his second stone was still a monster.
Mosey to the football field.
With your rock 10 curls then walking lunge to the 10-yard line. 20 press then walking lunge to the 20-yard line. 30 Skull Crushers then walking lunges to the 30-yard line.
Now at the 30-yard line, the pax took a lap ending at the 30.
Partner up for a Dora. 100 Curls, 200 Skull Crushers, 300 Bench Press. Partner takes an abbreviated lap. The pax finished up and dropped the coupons back off at the rock garden.
Quick trial run with a few dips and inerkins. And the pax was back at the original parking lot on an escalator merkin package. 1 merkin at the first line, 2 at the second all the way to 12. Finished with a few minutes of Mary.
Cross Ruck on Good Friday at Alpharetta First United Methodist. Convergence at the Norseman on Saturday before Easter. Few of the pax running the Spartan Race this weekend.