1st Beatdown at Ole Faithful
AO: The Rubicon
When: 04/02/2019
QIC: Pitstop
PAX (8): Waffles, Bo Knows, Devito, Lowes, Stifler, Bayside, Jackalope
The beautiful weather returns! YHC took this opportunity to officially designate a new location at the Rubicon – “Old Faithful”.
8 pax including YHC showed up in the cool morning gloom for a Pitstop Q. We moseyed down to the grass next to Rucker Road so that the poor souls headed to work could see what they were missing out on. The usual routine of SSH, Weed Pickers, and Hillbillies.
Moseyed to “Old Faithful”…
The Thang:
… which is Amana Academy which backs up to Wills Park. “Amana” means “honesty” in Arabic, but also means “faithful” in Hawaiian. I decided to go with that meaning for the name “Old Faithful”.
We used the parking lot lines for a “Fishbone” workout.
- Shoulder Challenge – can you do this without getting out of the plank position?
- Bear Crawl to the first stripe, do 1 merkin.
- Bear Crawl to the next stripe, do 2 merkins.
- rinse and repeat – final set was 16 merkins which totaled 136 merkins.
- Partner Carry Challenge – same as previous but carry your partner and do calf raises.
- At the end, partners swap positions and repeat.
- Plank competition – who can last the longest? No surprise – Devito pulled out the win.
I had more planned but we were short on time. Moseyed back to the coupon pile for Aflac’s Gatling Gun.
Gatling Gun
- Get a coupon
- In cadence, 10 curls then 10 skull crushers
- pass the coupon to the right
- repeat all the way around the circle
Ran back to the flag and paused for some Spider Man crawls for the final leg.
- Announcements/Upcoming Events
- Cross Ruck (4/19)
- Convergence at Norsemen (4/27?)
- F3 Anniversary Picnic (4/28)